Info Point
Legislation and Information
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The EIA report for the project in question takes into consideration and tries to align part of it with the EU legislation on environmental problems and not only. The main directives:
– EC Directive 1999/30/CE April 22, 1999, for limit values for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and nitrogen oxide, PM and lead.
– Directive 2000/60/CE of the Parliament and of the Council of Europe, Legal framework for community actions in the field of water policy.
– EC Directive 42/2001 (of the Council of Europe), on EIA and EIA.
– Directive 2008/50, CE, of the Parliament and of the Council of Europe (May 21, 2008) “On air quality in the environment, for cleaner air for Europe”.
– Council Directive 75/442/CEE of July 14, 1975, on Waste.
– Council Directive 91/689/CEE of December 12, 1991, on Hazardous Waste.
– Directive 2001/42/CE of the Council and of the European Parliament dated June 27, 2001, on the assessment of the consequences of certain Plans and Programs on the Environment.
– Council Directive 85/337/CEE of June 27, 1985, on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Public and Private Projects on the Environment.
– Council Directive 96/62/EC On the assessment and management of air quality in the environment.
– Directive 1999/30/CE, Regarding limit values for NO2, NOx, SO2, particulate matter and Pb in the air.
– Directive of the European Commission CEE/CEEA/CE 78/659 for the quality of fresh water.
– Directive 99/61/CE on landfills.
Kuadri ligjor mjedisor eshte nje rregullator midis zhvillimit te aktiviteteve me ndikim ne mjedis dhe mbrojtes se mjedis.
The environmental legal framework is a regulator between the development of activities with an impact on the environment and environmental protection.
- Law no. 10431, dated 09.06.2011 “On environmental protection”, amended;
- Law no. 10440, dated 07.07.2011 “On environmental impact assessment”, amended;
Law no. 8906, dated 6.6.2002 “On protected areas” amended by the law, No. 9868, dated 4.2.2008 “On some additions and changes to the law no. 8906 dated 6.6.2002 “On protected areas”
- Law no. 68/2014 “On some additions and changes to the law no. 9587, dated 20.7.2006, “On the protection of biodiversity”, amended.
- Law no. 162/2014 “On the protection of air quality in the environment”
- VKM no. 686, dated 29.07.2015 “On the approval of the rules, responsibilities and deadlines for the development of the environmental impact assessment procedure (EIA) and the procedure for transferring the environmental decision and statement”;
- VKM no. 247, dated 30.04.2014 “On determining the rules, requirements and procedures for informing and involving the public in environmental decision-making”
- Law no. 10 463, dated 22.9. 2011 “On integrated waste management”, amended;
- VKM no. 575 dated 24.06.2015 “For the approval of requests for inert waste management”
- VKM no. 175, dated 19.1.2011 “On the approval of the national waste management strategy and the national waste management plan”
- VKM no. 371, dated 11.06.2014 “On determining the rules for the delivery of hazardous waste and the approval of the document for the delivery of hazardous waste”
- VKM no. 418, dated 25.06.2014 “On the differentiated collection of waste at source”
- VKM no. 229, dated 23.04.2014 “On the approval of the rules for the transfer of non-hazardous waste and the document of the transfer of non-hazardous waste”
- VKM no. 519, dated 30.6.2010 “Regional Natural Parks”
- VKM no. 897. dated 21.2.2011 “Approval of the Rules for the Announcement of Special Conservation Areas”
- VKM no. 221, dated February 20, 2013 “Designation of Areas as the Green Belt of Tirana”
- VKM no. 532, dated 05.10.2000 “On the approval of the study “Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity”
- VKM no. 676, dated 20.12.2002 “On the declaration of a protected area of Albanian natural monuments”
- VKM no. 594, dated 10.09.2014 “On the approval of the National Strategy for environmental air quality”
- Decision No. 435, dated 12.9.2002 “On the approval of air emission rates in the Republic of Albania”
- VKM no. 352, dated 29.04.2015. “On the assessment of environmental air quality and the requirements for some pollutants in relation to it”.
- VKM no. 177 dated 31.3.2005 “On the permitted rates of liquid discharges and zoning criteria of receiving water environments”
- Instruction no. 8 dated 27.11.2007 for “Limited noise levels in certain environments.”